Your Frequently Asked Questions

Here you can find out everything regarding purchasing a domain from APCDOM and learn more about our clearly developed concept for buying your ideal domain quickly, easily and securely!


  • 1. Are the services at APCDOM subject to charges?

    No. As a domain buyer, you can use our services completely free of charge. You only incur the direct costs of the purchase price of the corresponding domain.

  • 2. Which payment provider can I use to process my payment?

    We prefer to process our payments via the payment provider PayPal. This is protected and secure and you can therefore rely on simple and clear payment processing with your domain purchase and completely problem-free. PayPal now offers a considerable range of payment options, e.g. PayPal Classic, SEPA direct debit, SofortPay, Giropay and debit and credit cards.

  • 3. After paying with PayPal, what is the next step?

    After your payment, the domain is yours. After successfully buying a domain, the AUTH code or Hetzner-Token for your domain will be available within a few hours in your user account under "order history", which you will also have received automatically per email. With this you can then transfer your new domain to your own hosting provider.

  • 4. I now have the AUTH code - how do I proceed?

    You need the AUTH code for the transfer to your own hosting provider, which is usually a fairly simple process once you know it. However, those using an authorization code for the first time can sometimes find the steps a little complex at first. This in turn depends on how your hosting provider (registrar) has designed its transfer process.

    There are big differences between individual providers. If necessary, you must click through the FAQ of your provider or use their support. However, this is rather rare, because in most cases you only need to enter the AUTH code or Hetzner-Token that we provide you with. Your new domain will then immediately move to your provider.

  • 5. What different kind of offers does APCDOM have?

    There are different listings of domain names. With most of our offers, you'll see a "buy now" price. In this case, the seller offers the domain at exactly this fixed price. However, we also occasionally present "special offers", which are often not limited to a single domain, but include several services, e.g. an existing online project or a corresponding domain portfolio.

    With such offers, the seller has not set a fixed price, or only stated his asking price and accordingly waits for the bids of the buyer. Each special offer has its own page complete with an offer form. After you submit your offer, the seller will respond to you directly.

  • 6. Are there any hidden costs when purchasing the domain?

    No. We attach great importance to transparency on our online platform, therefore, there are no additional costs or fees for your domain purchase. You pay exactly the price that is advertised or, for our special offers, the price that you have successfully negotiated with a seller.

  • 7. How can I be sure that everything will work with my payment?

    Our specified payment options in cooperation with our payment partner PayPal are quite easy to use and completely secure. Most of our customers opt for a convenient PayPal payment. This payment provider is one of the leading service providers worldwide in the field of online payments and is the driving force behind many of the largest companies selling products and services online. With PayPal you not only benefit from encryption of your payment details, but also from the PayPal Buyer Protection Policy.

  • 8. Will I receive a VAT invoice for my purchase?

    APCDOM Exclusive Domains is based in Germany. All customers based in Germany will automatically receive an invoice with VAT shown. Invoicing takes place immediately after receipt of your payment and you can call up and print out a copy of your invoice at any time in your free user account with just a click of the mouse.

  • 9. Are the offers I make on your platform legally binding?

    Your offer on our published special offers is legally binding once we have confirmed it. On the other hand, if a buyer is waiting for a bid from the seller and your bid has not yet been confirmed, it remains open until the seller decides to do so. If he decides to make another offer, your bid expires.

  • 10. How can I transfer my domain name to my hosting provider after purchase?

    Transferring the domain name is easy: Go to your hoster's (registrar's) website and initiate the domain transfer there by entering the authorization code (AUTH code) or the Hetzner token that we have given you. You will find this code on our platform after your purchase in your free user account under "Order history". The AUTH-Code or Hetzner-Token will also be sent to you automatically per email.

  • 11. Do the prices you show include VAT?

    Our platform automatically determines whether your location is inside or outside of Germany. If your company is based in Germany, the price includes VAT. This will be shown accordingly on your invoice. For customers based outside of Germany, the portal shows the net prices without VAT as these are costs that you as a business don't incur. It also doesn't show up on the bill.

  • 12. Can I also process the domain purchase using my smartphone?

    Of course. You can access our website and, accordingly, your user account via smartphone as well as via PC. Since our website has been optimized for mobile applications, you can make purchases and manage your data on your smartphone just as easily as you can on your desktop PC.

  • 13. Why do I need a user account?

    You access our practical admin interface with your user account. There you can create an individual customer profile at any time, which can also be edited afterwards. The functions are very clearly laid out and you can also see your order history here, complete with the necessary AUTH code or Hetzner token for transferring your domain, as well as a copy of your purchase contract and the invoice for your purchase. The admin interface helps our users to work with our platform intuitively and quickly. This also works extremely user-friendly on a smartphone or tablet.

  • 14. How do special offers work on your platform?

    You will find that most domains are available for immediate "Buy Now" purchase. But there are already very well-established online projects that we occasionally offer for sale. They are often very extensive and sometimes even contain several domains. We classify them as "Special Offers" and describe them in detail on the respective sales page. The sellers of such projects usually do not publish a set price. Rather, they name their desired price and ask for offers from prospective buyers.

  • 15. Can I view my order history online?

    Yes. You can find this with the AUTH code for each purchased domain in your customer account. There you can also view and print out invoices for your previous purchases.

  • 16. Is it really free to create a customer account with APCDOM?

    Of course. Create a customer account with us at any time free of charge and no hidden costs, greatly simplifying your purchases and the management of your data.

APCDOM - Ihre Vorteile

  • Kostenfreies und unverbindliches Kundenkonto
  • Für Sie fallen beim Kauf einer Domain keinerlei Gebühren an
  • Sichere Bestellung und Bezahlung der Domain via PayPal
  • Verfügbarkeit Ihrer neuen Domain bereits nach wenige Stunden
  • Alle Rechnungen und Infos stehen für Sie im Benutzerkonto bereit

Ihr kostenloses APCDOM-Konto

Legen Sie noch heute Ihr kostenfreies Kundenkonto bei uns an und genießen Sie alle Vorteile eines komfortablen und unkomplizierten Domainkaufs. Die Registrierung auf unseren Seiten ist für Sie komplett kostenlos und absolut unverbindlich. Sollten dennoch Fragen offenbleiben, wenden Sie sich jederzeit gern an unser Support-Team!

Ihre Privatsphäre spielt für uns die wichtigste Rolle. Wir verschlüsseln Ihre persönlichen Daten und Zahlungsinformationen sicher und gewährleisten Ihnen maximale Sicherheit.